
This is Lupita Perez, creator of this blog. In this blog you will see various text and media. The information shown now is related to activities done in my AP English class. I am working on adding and fixing the blog to make the information more related to the AP English Literature Test. Feel free to leave any comments or questions.

**This blog is still under construction!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Refined Big Question

Why is there a school dress code and why do teachers feel they should control students appearance?


  1. This raises some interesting issues, such as: 1) Do teachers and school administrators want to control students' appearance, or do they consider it a "necessary evil"; 2) Should the purpose of school have more to do with individual exploration or keeping order; and 3) Have dress codes and/or other policies made a positive difference? You don't really need to answer #1 (except to prevent research bias) but both #2 and #3 are worth pursuing.

  2. This is a good question. The only answer I can think of is that some students dress to provocative and that distracts some people. You should include how the dress code in our school is not followed as an example.

  3. Very good question! It'll probably even create controversy in the way that it is written but it's very true! Teachers should not control students appearances especially when most say to be ourselves.

  4. I have to agree with Marisol. Good job

  5. how did you come up with this question? have you seen this in school?

  6. I was just curious about it since it seems to be a "big' deal at our school.
